i got soo many things to blog for this week..but i sort of forgotten most..leme recall . . .


hmm..sort of forgotten wad happened. china students came to our sch,n the i saw the SUGAR CANE GIRL!!!!


after lunch,sum of us dint went back to class,the sugar cane girl took picts wime XD


supposed to have dance practice today,but i skipped it cos i wanted to go town wit the china students. sum ppl frm my class went,n sum sec 5s .waiting inside bus after sch,then joan called me to go hall -.- . i "intended" to get down,but the buss took off. haha . went to science centre to fetch the china dudes,then we got seperated into groups n 2 different buses. my group had samuel,jingsi n phylisia. then lsm suddenly got angry with me for no good reason. okok nvm nvm. we went to far east with the china dudes 1st, menglong was like"my ICECREAM" . i bet with him tat france wld DEFINITELY win,so obviously i lost T-T .hmm. dint have much $$$ with me,so i told him ill treat him on friday when we go sentosa with them. walk arnd far east,den bout6 i went to taka to meet michelle. 6pm she sms me" 20mins time meet at fountain at taka" .i went to wisma to look for reb n sam 1st. i lead dem to taka,then went to wait at fountain. 6.25~~~ 6.30~~~~ 6.40~~~~~ 6.42 then i received a msg frm her. "im here..blablabla" i forgot wad she wrote. hmm,i stood up ,but dint c any1. "wad u wearing?" "sch uni,black white specs." "look left?" AAHHH. she changed SOOOOOOO much. shes 1 yr older,yet shorter..haha shortie(JOKING..) we went inside n chatted..she gt no money,i left few bucks,so we jus walk around taka. shes de 1 doing most of the talkin,im the quiet 1=). after tht we went far east,sat at kfc n talked. she laughed her ass off when she heard tat im in modern dance n co -.-. had to go around 8,she accompanied me to the hyaat hotel,then she went off. waited for awhile for the bus n evry1 to come,then went back to sch.


stayed back at sch to watch co ppl practice. they practiced till about 5,then went to the hall to prepare the stuffs.blablabla..then the performance started. watched them play..then after tat keeps the intruments back to music room..den go home..


I WANTED TO GO SENTOSA WITH CHINA DUDES. no space at first. then i was released at 3,they left at 2.30 -.- . WTF????!!!!! sian. i nearly had to skip dance n co cos miss chan told me to do CWO. im NEVER gonna do it man. then i went for co,c every1 play arnd.. then mr chua told me to sit with lichuen to learn n c hw she play . yea so blablabla~~ co ended at 6+? i waited wit dylan n sanchia for their parents to come,until 7 they still haven come back,so i went home.


dint do much. supposed to go out wit cassandra,raining n all tat,lazy to go out.found tis naruto game. graphics sucks,but sumhw got me addicted. LOL.

I tried so hard,but you dint give me a chance,not even a single one.
you avoided me,gave me the cold shoulder.


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